Dear Doctors,
Kindly note the following instructions and procedures for eligibility and attainment of International Fellowship status with the West African College of Physicians (WACP).
The intending Doctor for the International Fellowship:
- Shall have been a registered medical practitioner for at least 20 years.
- Shall possess an equivalent registerable postgraduate professional qualification.
- Shall have at least 12 years of working experience in their specialty, exclusive of any period for formal training, and possess evidence of continuing medical education.
- Should have shown interest and evidence of participation in similar areas of endeavour in their College such as training, research, advocacy, or community involvement that aligns with the objectives of our College.
- Must have satisfied the Council that they possess the professional, ethical, and moral standards required of Fellows.
- Application: The application forms are to be completed online at this link
- The application shall be supported by reports from two referees who shall be Fellows of the College in good financial standing.
- Referees should be requested to forward their recommendations to the Secretary-General under confidential cover to secgen@wacpcoam.org.
- Completed application forms should normally reach the Secretary-General by April in order to be processed and considered by the College at the subsequent AGSM.
ATTENTION: Candidates for the current year can apply on or before 31st July 2024 to be considered by the Council in its meeting in October 2024
- Application Fees: The application fee for International Fellows is 500 USD. Payment can be made via the College Payment platform.
- Dues:
- International Fellows shall pay their dues directly to the College.
- International Fellows shall pay the same annual dues as other Fellows (150 USD); they will be encouraged to apply for Life Fellowship.
Any International Fellow who wishes to work in the West African sub-region and desires WACP Fellowship must go through the existing criteria and procedure as a Fellow, which is different from the International Fellowship.
Thank you.
Secretary-General, WACP