• +234-7047000763
  • ha@wacpcoam.org
  • No. 8 Thorborn Avenue Sabo-Yaba, Lagos


Postdoctoral Fellowships at the University of California, San Francisco

How to find a Researchable Research Topic using Google Scholar + Scispace ext + ChatGPT.

Finding a researchable research topic can be done quickly using a combination of Google Scholar, Scispace Chrome extension, and ChatGPT.

  1. Go to Google Scholar, type in your research interest, and set the filter criterion to from 2020
  2. Look out for papers with the highest citations from the list.
  3. Open the paper and navigate to the conclusion. Look out for paper limitations and suggested future directions.
  4. For non-open access papers, install scispace chrome extension and prompt to access the paper’s limitation/future directions.
  5. Copy each limitation and make a list.
  6. Go to chatGPT, paste the topic of each research paper explored, type the limitations and future directions suggested, and prompt for novel topics with future directions with the topic.
  7. Sieve through the topics suggested for researchability
  8. Refine properly and develop the research questions.