• +234-7047000763
  • ha@wacpcoam.org
  • No. 8 Thorborn Avenue Sabo-Yaba, Lagos


Dear Graduands,

This is to inform you that the early bird registration for the 47th AGSM which comes up in Lome, Togo has been extended to Thursday, 28th September 2023.

Kindly note that there is no late registration for all graduands, therefore if you have not registered (either virtual or in-person) or have not uploaded your passport photographs in College Regalia (Gown for Membership, Gown and Cap for Fellowship), please do so on or before 28th September 2023.

KINDLY BE INFORMED THAT, IF YOU DON`T FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR REGISTRATION OF GRADUANDS FOR INDUCTION SENT EARLIER (Upload of passport photograph in College regalia – Gown for Members, Gown and Cap for Fellows and other instructions stated earlier), YOUR NAME WILL NOT BE IN THE INDUCTION BOOK.

Kindly send mail to enquiriesagsmtogo@gmail.com for any further assistance or enquiry.